Agenda item

Receive a Presentation on Dromahair Development Plan



John O’Neill of Venture I gave a presentation to the SPC Members. He outlined the progress to date, on the Dromahair Development Framework plan and set out the steps involved in the process going forward. Venture I will hold a youth consultation event after which the framework will bereissued, and a final review will be completed.  Work will then commence on bringing people together that have an interest in leading and coordinating the implementation of the framework plan, facilitated by Venture I to help facilitate the community in starting the implementation process.

Cllr. Frank Dolan stated the village of Dromahair has huge potential and a lot to offer.  Traffic between the hotel and supermarket is a serious concern for everyone. On a positive note, investment by Leitrim County Council in property in the centre of the village for a library and possible social housing and a meeting with the junior minister in relation to the conversion of the old Garda Barracks is all positive.  Great work has been done at the Community Park and the footpath leading to the park is a huge advantage. 

Seán Ó Conláin welcomed the report.  He was involved in the2006 plan, and a number of the issues were raised then e.g. re access to the river and issues around rights of way and how you would focus the village.  15 years on this issue is being raised again with access to the river haven gotten worse. At the end of the 2006 plan a group got together and talked about a Community Council to implement it and it never came together.  His concern with the plan as it needs strong leadership and or the weight to draw in the County Council.  How will this team come together and are there phases of implementation?  The Hotel is going up for sale it’s not clear what is going to happen it’s out of the community’s hand – any control exerted over what can happen to it as it’s the main building in the village?

Cllr. Frank Dolan stated there are plenty of people willing to invest but the cost to bring it back to good standard would be enormous

Cllr. Frank Dolan also stated to John that a village with population of 800 and no Community Centre is a big loss.  Perhaps the Barrack sit could be looked at to provide facilities for young people.

John from Venture I agreed with consistency around community hub/multi use space and the 2 sites of the hotel and garda barracks.  He stated there is always the challenge with going from the writing of a plan to the actual implementation of it. This very often falls to a hand full of motivated volunteers because of their interest in it.


Cllr. Justin Warnock – Thanked John for the presentation and wondered why the last plan hadn’t been implemented.  He wished them well saying there was huge potential in North Leitrim and that he fully backed the plan as a local representative of the Manorhamilton Municipal District. 


John from Venure I stated the next step would be to take direction from Joseph/Johanna/Ornaith in terms of what is technically possible with regard to holding of meetings i.e. if they can be held face to face depending on public.  Looking at finalising in 4 weeks.  If face to face is not possible then we start the process virtually.  Participation in the 4 review meetings was excellent. 


Seán Ó Conláin   stated he was very interested in the area of access  and knows a National programme about remapping rights of way.  He asked where is the Council at in terms of public rights of way and when they get blocked off and what is the Council position on this?


Joseph Gilhooly – stated the blocking off and reopening of public rights of way is that they must be registered public rights of way which we don’t have many from the point of view our Co. Development Plan.  It’s one area which will receive attention in our review of our draft Co. Development Plan, and this will come up through public consultation in September/October. In relation to private rights of way we are limited.  Dromahair plan delivery of actions will need an active community drive to see through the implementation of the plan.  The work of an agency be it Local Authority or private is more effective keep pushing on objectives and have realistic actions and thought through and timescales.


Seán Ó Conláin asked for clarity on the access down to the river from the main street – are they consider public rights of way or private?


Joseph Gilhooly couldn’t give a definitive answer however he stated its possible permissive access which is worked out collectively between local community groups and landowners.  There is a National Strategy for Rural Outdoor Recreation being developed with public consultation for the next 3 weeks for submissions in relation to access around trails and walks. Johanna added that information on the Strategy is available on   


Joseph added that the work on the SLNCR walk is very well known and used.


Seán Ó Conláin   The SLNCR is a great asset to the village however, there is a small issue around is it the community who carry out the maintenance on it. 


Joseph Gilhooly – Important to keep up with maintenance and to keep in contact with Padraig MacSheera and Shay O’Connor.



Cllr. Frank Dolan– thanked John for plan and presentation.