Agenda item

Motion from Councillor Des Guckian- Special Grants

That we urge the government to give special grants to publicans and to restaurant owners to help them get their businesses up and running again. This is especially important for publicans in very rural areas, such as in the Carrick Electoral Area, as the pub has always been a key social centre and some publicans have indicated that, without a grant, they will not be reopening.


To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Des Guckian;


"That we urge the government to give special grants to publicans and to restaurant owners to help them get their businesses up and running again. This is especially important for publicans in very rural areas, such as in the Carrick Electoral Area, as the pub has always been a key social centre and some publicans have indicated that, without a grant, they will not be reopening."


Report by Director of Services for Economic Development, Planning, Environment and Transportation.


"Leitrim County Council paid out a total of €4.2 million in funding to businesses in the county under the Restart Grant Scheme and the Restart Grant Scheme Plus in 2020. A significant number of those grants were paid to businesses in the hospitality sector including pubs and restaurants. These grants were paid to businesses to assist them with the cost of re-opening their premises following the initial 'lockdown' restrictions that were in place arising from the Pandemic in 2020. Furthermore, this business sector also benefitted from the Rates Waiver for 2021 which provided for a 75% Rates Write Off for 2020. In recent weeks, the Finance Department has applied a 3-month commercial waiver of rates for all eligible businesses under the Rates Waiver Scheme for Quarter, 1, 2021. The Hospitality sector including pubs are eligible for the 2021 Rates Waiver Scheme and a further 3-month waiver will be applied to these accounts in due course for Quarter, 2, 2021.  In addition, the COVID-19 Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS) was introduced in the Finance Act 2020 and is operated by Revenue. The CRSS was introduced to support businesses significantly affected by restrictions to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The support was available to eligible businesses who carried on a business activity that was impacted by COVID-19 restrictions. Eligible businesses could make a claim to Revenue for a payment known as an Advance Credit for Trading Expenses (ACTE). An ACTE is payable for each week a business is affected by the restrictions. The CRSS is expected to continue until 30 June 2021.

In addition, the Council is administering the Outdoor Dining Scheme which provides up to €4,000 grant aid (at 75% funding) to support businesses in the hospitality sector to adopt their dining service to the outdoors."


Councillor Des Guckian said pubs in rural areas must be supported to enable them to continue trading.  Councillor Des Guckian said he has been advised that some will be closing unless some supports are put in place, and he proposed that the Government must give a major start-up grant to publicans and to restaurant owners to help them get their businesses up and running again.  Councillor Des Guckian said the reply he received in this regard referred to history and the recovery from this covid pandemic is going to be a long recovery of 2 years or possibly more.


Councillor Paddy Farrell supported the motion and pointed out that country pubs are badly needed and play and important role in the social lives of people in rural areas.


Councillor Sean McGowan supported the motion and said the country pub is synonymous with rural Ireland.  Councillor McGowan said there are country and town pubs that may not re-open again, and these businesses need financial support and he agreed that Covid will be here for some time yet.  Councillor McGowan welcomed the funding of up to €4,000 which is available for Tourism & Hospitality businesses under the Outdoor Dining Enhancement Scheme.


Councillor Thomas Mulligan queried the amount of Restart Grants paid to pubs in 2020.


Mr Joseph Gilhooly agreed to pass Councillor Mulligan’s quey to the Finance Section for reply.


On the Proposal of Cllr Des Guckian

             Seconded by Cllr Paddy Farrell


It was AGREED that Leitrim County Council urge the government to give special grants to publicans and to restaurant owners to help them get their businesses up and running again. This is especially important for publicans in very rural areas, such as in the Carrick Electoral Area, as the pub has always been a key social centre and some publicans have indicated that, without a grant, they will not be reopening.