Agenda and minutes

Planning, Economic Development and Infrastructure Strategic Policy Committee - Wednesday, 29th September, 2021 2.30 pm

Venue: MS Teams

Contact: Helen Denning  Economic Development

No. Item


Adoption of Minutes of 2nd June 2021




Proposed by: Cllr. Enda McGloin


Seconded by: Cllr. Frank Dolan



Update on North West Regional Enterprise Plan



Joe Lowe, LEO sent on apologies for Anne McTernan and proceeded to give a presentation on the Northwestern Regional Enterprise Plan 2021-2024.


The plan is made up of 4 high level strategic objectives


·         Harnessing the potential of indigenous business in Northwest Region through encouraging entrepreneurship and scaling of existing business.


·         Ensure that the NW capitalizes on the enterprise opportunities posed by the advancement of the Coastal Energy Industry and the continued growth of the Ocean Economy.


·         Support the offering of the NW region as a place to work and invest and to look at high value jobs in the region. 


·         Support the NW’s enterprise to mainstream climate action and transition to a low carbon into their business planning and delivery.


Ann’s role is to look at these four objectives and identify new funding opportunities for them under the REDF program and BDF programme.  This region secured €14.3 mill under the last 2 programmes with Leitrim getting €5.3 million.

It is envisaged that the plan will be signed off in October with a formal launch in November.


Cllr. Frank Dolan thanked Joe for the update stating it was very positive to see follow up on the Ocean Energy element.


Seán Ó Conláin – Fully supported the focus on attracting people into the region. Particularly the creative economy sector and focus on well-being and people looking for a different way of life. He stated that Climate change and the whole area of biodiversity collapse hadn’t been addressed, stating the region is very well situated to do something special on climate action. He said more focus is needed on food production with increased support for organic food.  Carbon sequestration in forestry is going to be a very important aspect on how we look at climate change.  Need to grow the right trees in the right place to create a much better place to live.


Joe Lowe agreed with Sean on the carbon capture element. The objectives in the plan are very high level there will be more distinct definable actions arising from these objectives.




Report on Casual Trading



Johanna Daly, Economic Development read out a report on casual trading. Highlighting the current bye laws were adopted in 2018.  In Leitrim there are 20 fixed location trading bays dispersed within the towns of Mohill, Ballinamore, Carrick on Shannon, Drumshanbo and Manorhamilton. Under the existing byelaws Casual Trading is not permitted in any other locations and it is not possible to grant a licence for a location that is not specified. The byelaws allow for a separate trader’s events licence to be granted for the duration of an event or festival.  These traders’ events licence is not necessarily confined to the predefined fixed locations. The current licence fees are €200.00 per individual licence for a one day a week operation. The required fee for Carrick on Shannon as the principal county town is €400.00. The hours of operation are set as 8am to 7 pm.  Each licence is for a 12-month period.


Under the existing byelaws Casual Trading is not permitted in any other locations and it is not possible to grant a licence for a location that is not specified.

The byelaws allow for a separate trader’s events licence to be granted for the duration of an event or festival.  These traders’ events licence is not necessarily confined to the predefined fixed locations.


Cllr. Enda McGloin thanked Johanna for the comprehensive report.  He emphasised the need to respect the rate payers as their rates are used to facilitate development of our towns and villages with trading vendors paying less for their licences. He asked for clarity on the 3 trading bays in the carpark on mart roads stating that car parking is limited at Gala and these need to be reviewed. 


Cllr. Barry thanked Johanna for her presentation.  He stated where licences were granted that the terms must be complied with.


Cllr. Finola Armstrong Maguire asked for clarity on the trading spaces in Carrick on Shannon and queried the on-street dining and if these applicants will need permits.  Johanna stated there are trading bays at the Fire Station at Park Lane car park with 2 available trading bays but no licences issued.  Anyone that has outdoor dining furniture on public property has to apply for a S254 licence and abide by the licence if granted.


The SPC members requested a copy of maps showing Casual Trading Bays per town and suggested that if reviewing the Bye laws at a future date that where towns had no uptake for licences the bay numbers could be reduced to reflect this.



Update on new LECP Guidelines



Johanna Daly, Economic Development gave an update on the process of the development of the new LECPs which is being jointly supported by Department of Rural and Community Development and of Housing Local Government and Heritage. An advisory group was established to support the development of guidelines for the review of the current LECPs and the development of new LECPs. The eighth and final meeting of the LECP Advisory Group took place on 8th July 2021 and the Guidelines were agreed by the Group. DRCD are currently working with a designer to finalise the document and prepare it for publication. A submission has been drafted for signoff by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, with a joint announcement expected to be made by both DRCD and DHLGH Ministers in due course.  It is expected to have the final document with Local Authorities this autumn.






Seán Ó Conláin sought to seek further information/clarity from National Broad Band Ireland on their plan to roll out broadband in the county. He had recently been informed by NBI that his premises would have a planned connection date sometime during 2026. He stated that as this is key infrastructure for the county, we should at least get the information that NBI have. He stated that without further clarity on many matters it would be impossible to implement a Digital Strategy.



Colm McGrath on behalf of the committee will try and set up a Q&A meeting with the operations director in NBI and see if they will share information rather than just the public information which is on the website. This was welcomed by the committee



Seán Ó Conláin asked if any reply had issued from the Department in relation to the PPN Forestry report.  This was first brought to the committee in April 2019, and nothing has come out of it.

Johanna stated Bernard Greene issued an email on the 8th Sept but got no reply. Bernard to issue another reminder after today’s meeting.  Johanna added that Colm Hayes in the Department had given the report to one of his staff in his section to go through in detail and to look at all the policy and procedures in it.  Bernard Greene has contacted Colm on 2 occasions by phone and email and no response has issued.  Johanna to follow up with Bernard again.


Cllr. Barry added that it was disappointing that no reply back from the Department or see any progress on it.  Thanked everyone involved.


It was agreed the date for next meeting would be circulated later.